Event Calendar

Workplace Investigations Seminar
Thursday 06 December 2018, 08:30am - 05:00pm
Hits : 208
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact otsegodelawarejsec@gmail.com

Effective October 9, 2018, New York State has given a mandate regarding investigating sexual harassment complaints specifically interviewing witnesses, collecting and reviewing documents, documenting findings, taking corrective actions and notifying all appropriate parties.

This two-day seminar addresses different types of investigations and will give employers and investigators an understanding of the tools needed to plan and conduct interviews, gather, organize and review different types of evidence, draw appropriate conclusions, document an investigation and make the right recommendations for actions.

In this seminar, participants will learn crucial interview techniques to gather appropriate and relevant information and how to recognize deceptive behavior. Templates will be provided.

To find out more and how to register, click here

Location The Farmers' Museum, Cooperstown