Event Calendar

Interviewing Workshop
Wednesday 20 December 2017, 11:00am - 12:00pm
Hits : 148
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Contact 607-832-5776

CDO Workforce and BEAM (Bridge to Employment and Academic Marketplace) are offering a free Interviewing Workshop on Wednesday, December 20, at 11 am, at the CDO Workforce Center, 2nd Floor, at the Sidney Civic Center.

Learn about the job interview process; communicating non-verbally; clarifying interview questions; knowing your resume to sell your skills; anticipate questions and answering difficult questions. If you are interested in making job interviews less stressful, please join us for this informative workshop.

Where & When: Wednesday, December 20, 11 am, at the CDO Workforce Center, 2nd Floor,  at the Sidney Civic Center. Please make reservations for this popular workshop by visiting the CDO Workforce Center or Calling: 607-832-5776 (Reservations preferred, walk-ins welcome). 


Location Sidney CDO Workforce, 21 Liberty Street, Sidney, NY