Tuesday 1/7/25 at 2pm Job Search Workshop
Review essential skills to find open positions, design an effective resume, interviewing tips, and networking.
Tuesday 1/14/25 at 2pm Civil Service Workshop
Learn about civil service opportunities at the county, city, and state
level. We will also take a look at federal jobs and how they differ.
Participants will learn about the exam, application, and hiring process and be provided with some tips and best practices to help when
Tuesday 1/21/25 at 2pm Interviewing Skills Workshop
Learn what to expect, how to prepare, what the interviewer expects
from you, and more.
Tuesday 1/28/25 at 2pm Resume Writing
This workshop will help you understand the purpose of a resume, review concepts in building a resume, and discuss how to effectively convey your talents.
CDO Workforce at 12 Dietz Street, Oneonta, NY
Please register for this event (as space is limited) by calling 607.376.5147 or email stacey.smith@labor.ny.gov
View our event calendar.
You can also visit the NYS Dept of Labor website for additional Workshop information, click here
Equal Opportunity Employer/Program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.